
Volodymyr is a 17-year-old high school junior living in Miami with deep roots in Ukraine through his father, who was born and raised in Kyiv. Volodymyr is passionate about entrepreneurship and raised $5,000 re-selling coveted sneakers out of his garage. He has decided to use these funds to support five vulnerable children in Ukraine by providing them with a 12-month stipend for dance, music, arts, education, and sports.

Learn more about Volodymyr by following this link.

The mission of Volodymyr's stipend fund is to provide opportunities for displaced children to develop, engage in creativity, and reach new heights in sports.

Details of the stipend fund

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* Переходячи до сплати, ви підтверджуєте згоду з Умовами використання сервісу та обробкою персональних даних

* Керувати підпискою можна через сервіс LiqPay. Якщо виникли складнощі – зв'яжіться з нами за адресою [email protected] або напишіть в чат підтримки у нижньому правому куточку екрану.

* Перекази на рахунок організації є благодійними внесками та не повертаються платникам.

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Volodymyr is a 17-year-old high school junior living in Miami with deep roots in Ukraine through his father, who was born and raised in Kyiv. Volodymyr is passionate about entrepreneurship and raised $5,000 re-selling coveted sneakers out of his garage. He has decided to use these funds to support five vulnerable children in Ukraine by providing them with a 12-month stipend for dance, music, arts, education, and sports.

Learn more about Volodymyr by following this link.

The mission of Volodymyr's stipend fund is to provide opportunities for displaced children to develop, engage in creativity, and reach new heights in sports.

Details of the stipend fund

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